At OTT, our expertise in Safety Critical practices sets us apart in the railway services industry. This invaluable knowledge plays a crucial role in planning and establishing the appropriate Safe System of Work (SSOW) for our clients. The SSOW is a set of procedures and protocols designed to ensure the safety of both railway workers and the general public during maintenance, construction, or repair activities on the rail network.

Our experienced resource and planning team liaises with clients and contractors to ensure expectations and requirements are fulfilled. To supplement this, we have a day and night time control facility to assist with the Quality Assurance provided by our service.

Being actively engaged in weekly possession planning meetings allows us to gain valuable insights into the upcoming week's requirements. This close collaboration ensures we are well-informed on scheduled maintenance, construction, or repair works.

By participating in these planning meetings, we can proactively manage the possessions, avoiding conflicts and ensuring that the necessary work is carried out with minimal disruption to train services and commuters. This level of coordination allows us to optimise the use of possessions and efficiently plan our activities.

Furthermore, before any project begins, we offer the option of conducting pre-site visits to the locations where the work will be carried out. These pre-site visits serve as an essential step in the planning process. During these visits, our experienced team can assess the site's specific conditions, identify potential challenges or hazards, and devise the most appropriate SSOW for the project.

Depending on the nature of the work and the site's characteristics, we have the expertise to recommend and implement different types of SSOW. This includes Red Zone working, Separated Green Zone, T2, T3 and T4 possessions, which involve various safety precautions and restrictions.

In some cases, we recommend using a Fenced Green Zone. This SSOW creates a physical boundary for work, ensuring a safe distance from live tracks and preventing unauthorised access.

Our dedication to safety and efficiency, our local knowledge, and our participation in possession planning meetings allow us to deliver high-quality railway services. Whether it's maintenance, construction, or repair projects, we pride ourselves on providing tailored solutions that meet each client's specific requirements while adhering to the rail industry's highest safety standards.

At OTT, we are committed to positively impacting the railway infrastructure while safeguarding the well-being of all involved parties.

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